Dr. med. Robert Lauerer-Braun is a resident in neurology in the department for neurology and epileptology led by Prof. Holger Lerche at the center of Neurology and the university clinic of Tübingen, Germany.

Dr. Lauerer-Braun is interested in the genetic causes of epilepsy and focuses his research on rare genetic epilepsy syndromes. His work on CACNA1E  started during his MD thesis in 2017 during which he functionally characterized several pathological missense variants in the gene using patch-clamp-recordings and took part in the first description of the CACNA1E Developmental and epileptic encephalopathy (DEE). Currently, Dr. Lauerer-Braun has moved on to better understand the clinical course of the disease and is involved in the design of a natural history trial on CACNA1E-DEE which has already started in 2024.


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