Magdaléna (2020)

CACNA1E c.2099C>A p.(Ala700Asp)


Magdalena is a four-year-old girl who has a smile on her face almost all day long. She is very calm and happy. She is a great observer, especially of people. She has an older brother Matej who loves her very much and she loves him. Although Magdalena is a beautiful little girl, her life is not a feather. She only rolls herself over on both hips, keeps herself on her tummy briefly, and is starting to control her head more. If we fix her well, she can sit beautifully. We recently got her an uprighting stand, which allows her to see the world from her height and she is enjoying it very much.


She has had several types of physiotherapy since she was a baby - Vojt's method, Bobath concept, Feldenkrais method, Hippotherapy, Speech therapy, Ergotherapy.... We would really like her to reach the best possible destination that would make her future life as easy as possible.